Tuesday, November 15, 2005

On Rebellion*******^+

Many things can be said about those who choose to rebel. In a way we all rebel to some degree or another and Americans are well known for their rebellions. But what of those who continue against all odds to rebel for whatever reason. I mean you have those that will rebel at the drop of the hat, don't care what its about or what the cause I'm rebelling! How about those who choose to make a statement by dressing like their favorite sports star or celebrity. How about those that rebel not buying a certain product or label. How about those who speak out on a cause someone else is already covering or manning quite well. Americans can show their disfavour by speaking out against their country and after all it s okay cause of where we are. Rebellion is really in American blood; "I don't have to follow what anyone says cause I'm my own man " we all seem to say. What of Christ and where do our loyalties lie with him ? Can we really be goats each beating his own drum and grazing on what we wish? How about being a sheep . In doing what the Church says aren't we really following along behind the saints before us. If Americans really want to rebel, drop the materialistic propaganda and join in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Rebellion never felt so good!


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