Friday, October 14, 2005

Party Time !!!!!

This weekend marks the return of my eldest son from his first 9 weeks of college. I have tried to not
get to excited as I don't want him to think I really miss him. It's really pretty silly behavior but he is our first and I love him a lot. We are planning to prepare several of his favorite food groups and hope that he can settle back into the security of being here for fall break. Relationships between father & son have always been a mystery to me. He never really seems interested in conversation
unless he is away and then usually opens up and starts talking. I'm sure at some point it will all get
easier and as long we keep him in our prayers he be doing alright. For now I'm content to enjoy the homecoming and pray that time will forget our house for a while.


Blogger Chloe' Gardner said...

Doug- I'm glad you got to spend some time with your son... Family time is so precious. Best of luck..

PS: I don't listen to horoscopes... I know better than that, it's just something to read sometimes.... I know who controls all- and I'm thankful for that, because without him, I'd be nothing!

1:51 PM  

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