Saturday, November 19, 2005

On Support....

I really am surprised some times that people may become aware that someone else is out there.
For the most part we post on these blogs to achieve a sense of existance(or indentity) if you will.
I never really expected anyone but myself to view what little babble I write. Then there was concern that somehow someone who knows me would come across this and I would have to be careful if that happened , but who cares ? Everything I put down is true and the names have been left out to protect the innocent. So I proceeded believing no person would see this or for matter care. Things never work out as you rationalize and someone notices which still blows me away because, who am I? I really do appreciate any commentary and enjoy commenting on other blogs.
It is very difficult sometimes to comment on things which may or may not actually be occuring. One can only rationalize that some of these experiences are from occurances or experiences from reality. For those who may live in a fantasy are authors of very compelling material that I will continue to enjoy. Mystery is on your side and alas there it will stay because life is a big mystery.
Thanks for the link and God Bless You.


Blogger Chloe' Gardner said...

I enjoy reading your blog and all you have to say- you're a wonderful person :0) Let your heart guide you, because you'll know where the line between fantasy and reality collide

God Bless :0)

8:22 AM  
Blogger Criminal Minds Fan said...

I enjoy your Blog also and I would link it but I have yet to be able to figure out how to do it.

4:58 PM  

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