Friday, November 09, 2007


A while has come and gone and many decisions have been disposed of, still many more remain. I recently had a friend join the military after 41 years of being a civilian. I like most people initially thought "what the hell is he thinking?" but I began to look into what he was getting into and decided he was making a good move. I hope as he is still in boot camp at this point that he still feels it was a good move. After initially talking with him when the the news came out I came away with a sense of sincere gratification he had for joining. I never really realized how strong his convictions were in this area.
I often wonder how people justify their existence on this planet we live on. I don't necessarily mean that in a negative way either. I simply think too many of us have no purpose in mind and "simply float through life like lumps of crap" through the septic system. (I did borrow that line from a famous scene of a movie 'A.S. in B.M.')
Everyone should have some purpose greater than themselves or their immediate family that drives them to make decisions based on ideals for the greater good of man. Chris has made such a decision and I am proud to call him a friend. It is selfless actions such as his that makes this country a great country. It is also the lack of these actions that will ultimately lead to its demise. I really feel that leaders of the future will be making true gut wrenching decisions based on moral and ethical considerations rather than personal comfort or polls.
It is in the lack of such leaders that I see things adrift in putrid squalor. Until this country gets off its me kick and starts doing for others rather than asking for handouts from the government then the end is not far off. People need to develop themselves by serving others in some capacity. Everyone able should be required to serve in the military or Peace Corps and experience firsthand the land of notta, until you know what it is like to not have rights or freedom you shouldn't be a member of this great and crumbling nation.
Chris, I salute you for your vision and desire to serve now and in your future endeavours which for now remain future. I understand the desire for service and will support that decision always.
Vivat Jesus !!!


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