Monday, March 06, 2006

As The Water Leaks ????

Most of the time when you have a small bubbling stream in the front yard there is also a lot of pain and suffering along with it. Yes I had a water leak in the main line to the house. I forgot the part about the expense but I assume everyone knows that already. We found the small leak at about 11am on Saturday and I called my supervisor to ask for a vacation day Monday. We decide to store up as much water as possible and go to Mass in Liberal that evening shutting off the line before we left. Mass was great and we came home to a house with no running water and tried to relax. Sunday morning about 10am I got busy digging, the girls came out and helped and so did Catrina.
By 2pm we had found the line buried 4 FEET DEEP! By 3pm I had secured the parts and by 4pm the line was patched and the water was turned on. Now most people would really have to complain about the circumstances but I find no reason to complain. First of the weather; gorgeous 70 degrees, second; hey its the dead of winter, third; one of these days that old steel line was going to blow a gasket, fourth; my family and I got to spend; a gorgeous day in the dead of winter replacing something that was going to happen anyway; together, digging a hole. Everyone had a good (great would be pushing it) time and the water is back on for now. Until I can dig up the rest (which includes a large hole under the house) and then we'll have a plumber
come do the new line. God usually gives us opportunities to do things right if you think and pray about it. Despite the fact we were all tired and dirty we still enjoyed the afternoon bonding against the common enemy, bad pipes. I don't know about you but for my girls running water is a priority and if you don't believe me turn off the water for a couple of days and see how much you miss it.


Blogger Chloe' Gardner said...

I TOTALLY understand how much you miss water when it's off for a day, and air conditioning in the summer, when you lose it.

I'm glad you and your family got to spend some quality time together. Time is what you make of it, regardless of what you're doing- and it sounds like you guys made the most of it :0) God Bless!

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds fun, Doug! I got to do the same thing, though not on the same scale with our drip system. Funny how once you dig the hole, get dirty, find the leak and almost wish you could find another leak somewhere!!
Pretty good parallel to any situation in life if you make the most of your's all about the mindet you put yourself and those around you in.....check six

1:04 AM  

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